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Insights from the Armstrong Institute

Voices for Safer Care Home Preventing Patient Harm Armstrong Institute Hosts Inaugural Observership Program

Armstrong Institute Hosts Inaugural Observership Program

Recently, patient safety collaborators from across the globe traveled to The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore to take part in the inaugural Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality Observership. Participants arrived ready to take a deep dive with the Armstrong Institute into Johns Hopkins Medicine’s prioritized approach to patient safety.

This pioneering three-day observership program gives health care leaders a window into Johns Hopkins Medicine’s programs for delivering consistently safe, high-quality and high-value care. group presentation at Observership

Interactive and engaging sessions included presentations, facility tours and small-group meetings with Johns Hopkins Medicine leaders and subject matter experts. During group sessions and Q&A portions, participants were able to address their organizations’ individual challenges as well as global difficulties they’ve faced.

The program will develop through participant feedback and the evolving needs of hospital safety departments. Participants gain insights for driving health care improvement efforts in their own organization’s culture.

At the close of the observership, Munira Mwidau, B.S.N., R.N., from the Clinical Documentation Excellence Department at Johns Hopkins Health System, said she found the program very engaging. "The way the content was presented shows great thought went into the material to inform and included the senior members in the organization to front-line employees with insightful examples and explanations," said Mwidau.

Robert Elliott, Armstrong Institute administrator explained, "The goal  get modafinil online of the observership program is for participants to be able to return to their organization with a deeper understanding of the structures, strategies and resources needed to take patient safety and quality to the next level of care."

The Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality Observership will be held twice yearly, in the spring and fall. Learn more about the program and register for an upcoming session.

Upcoming dates:

Spring 2019 Cohort: March 11–13, 2019

Fall 2019 Cohort: Nov. 11–13, 2019.


Armstrong Institute

1 thought on “Armstrong Institute Hosts Inaugural Observership Program”

  1. Dear Colleague,
    I have been searching online for opportunities to visit the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality and the Johns Hopkins Hospital.

    I am the performance review and audit coordinator for Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospital Group in Western Australia. I have been working in safety and quality for 8 years, and am undertaking PhD study in this field.

    I am keen to know if there are any opportunities to visit you during December this year. I am attending the IHI National Forum in Orlando 8-11 December and hope to be able to visit you prior or after the forum.

    Look forward to hearing from you.
    Best regards,

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