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Insights from the Armstrong Institute

Voices for Safer Care Home Designing Safer Systems Big news today from the Armstrong Institute

Big news today from the Armstrong Institute

We’re pleased to announce that the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation has awarded Johns Hopkins’ Armstrong Institute a grant of $8.9 million to design safer care in ICUs. This project will have two overriding aims: to better engage patients—and their family members—as integral parts of the care team; and to use systems engineering methods to leverage technologies and create better processes that ensure patients always receive needed treatments.

This grant is the first in a 10-year, $500 million program, announced today by the foundation, that aims to eliminate all preventable harms that patients experience in the hospital. We’re humbled that the Moore Foundation has chosen to partner with us on this visionary effort, and we look forward to the opportunity to contribute to a safer health care system that truly respects patients.

Read a news release about this award. We'll also be sharing a video from today's annoucements, when it is available.


Peter Pronovost

One of the world’s leading authorities on patient safety, Peter Pronovost served a the director of the Armstrong Institute, as well as senior vice president for patient safety and quality, at Johns Hopkins Medicine from 2011 until January 2018.

5 thoughts on “Big news today from the Armstrong Institute”

  1. My Mom is in an LTACH and on a ventilator for 4 weeks now. She has not been able to wean. As an individual who understands the importance of proactive and coordinated care, I can easily understand how use of a simple technology-based (iPAD) checklist could shorten her stay. As the situation exists now, hundreds of notes have been written in her chart, and rarely (I believe) are prior notes reviewed. Care is disjointed. The care she receives each day is based upon the snapshot of medical indicators at a speific day and time and not on trending. Would love to have a copy of the checklist.

    1. Jo Ann -- Thank you very much for your comment and for bringing up these important issues. Your experience with your mother is certainly not an isolated one. Patients and their families--not to mention clinicians--need help to see the big picture of how care is progressing.

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